Horacio Pagani had a dream, and his dream was tocreate the most beautiful car in the world. Not only hesucceeded, but he created a universe that goes beyondthe automotive field, a dimension that only few can aspireto. With Leonardo Da Vinci’s intuition in mind, Horacioblended beauty and function together, giving life to theunprecedented world of Pagani.
The first residences in the world by Pagani arebrought to life in a unique tower. Designed to makeheads turn, the building is comprised of an instabilityof lines, a strong uneven approach, transparencyand hidden balances creating a dynamic effect likeno other. And when you get closer that you discoverthe pearl, an incredible suspended sphere thatlooks as though it defies gravity. The tower is a truegeometric symphony of perfection with 19 floorsof residential masterpieces, 3 basement levels and amajestic ground floor.